This award comes with a £2,000 prize for the winner’s school and it shines a spotlight on teachers and EVCs for the important role they play in organising trips that help pupils benefit from learning outside the classroom.

Presented as part of the School Travel Awards ceremony, the School Trip Champion category highlights the work and effort put in by teachers and educational visits coordinators to make trips and residentials happen.

But more than this, it’s about recognising unsung heroes, those who go the extra mile, for the time and effort put in to creating visits and experiences that enhance learning and the building of essential life skills.

Thank you to everyone who nominated for the 2024 award, the deadline has now passed and the finalists will be contacted and announced in due course. 

We know that so many people in schools and academies champion the value of learning outside the classroom. These people are vital and this award is for them.

Finalists will be featured in School Travel Organiser magazine and on our website, and invited down to the five-star ceremony as our guests.

The winner of the 2024 award will be able to spend £2,000 on a future educational visit for their school. What’s not to like?

Things to know…

  • This is about individuals and rewards someone who works at a school / academy for their efforts in creating school trips and promoting the value of learning outside the classroom.
  • It can be anybody involved in organising trips but it’s not open to staff at providers, just those who work at a school.
  • The person nominating can keep their nomination private and anonymous. 
  • When nominating, you will be asked the reason for your nomination (up to 150 words), giving examples of educational visits that the person has organised or has been involved with, where possible. 

What happens next?

The deadline to nominate has passed and a shortlist of four finalists will be revealed in due course. 

Voting then opens to determine the winner, with the result announced at the School Travel Awards ceremony in London on Friday 29th November, 2024.

Children at a lake

Source: Pixabay

Who is your unsung hero of school visits? Make sure you nominate them for the School Trip Champion Award and they could win £2,000 for their school!

Previous winners have included headteachers, deputy headteachers, a head of design technology and food science, and an enrichment coordinator.

The winner of the 2023 award was…

Karen Tidmarsh, educational travel coordinator at Winchmore School in London. Karen told us: “Arriving back in school after the awards ceremony was very humbling.

“The school receptionist shouted and cheered as I entered with the award and this set off the students as they walked past to also shout their congratulations.

“It is quite an accolade in the school travel business and the signature tag that is at the end of my emails opens many doors so that our students get the best offers such as a free performance of Romeo and Juliet at the Globe Theatre.”

2023 School Trip Champion Karen Tidmarsh

Karen Tidmarsh of Winchmore School, Enfield, receives her trophy at the 2023 School Travel Awards ceremony. She’s pictured with Maria Whiteman from awards partner Next Generation Travel Group and presenter Katharine Merry.

Also, a big well done to the other 2023 finalists who were: 

  • Selwyn Boothe - Gunnersbury Catholic School, Brentford, Middlesex

  • Jo Hilson - Thomas Gainsborough School, Sudbury, Suffolk

  • Michele Vidler - Potters Gate CofE Primary School, Farnham, Surrey

2023 School Trip Champion winner and finalists

(L-R) Maria Whiteman from awards partner Next Generation Travel Group with 2023 School Trip Champion finalists Selwyn Boothe, Karen Tidmarsh (winner), Jo Hilson, Michele Vidler and awards co-host Katharine Merry.

Find out more about the 2023 winner and finalists in our special feature here.

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If you need to speak to a member of the School Travel Organiser team about this Award or anything relating to the School Travel Awards email