School Travel Organiser is the number one magazine for people who organise school trips. It’s packed full of ideas, advice and contacts so educational visits coordinators and teachers can find and organise successful and relevant learning outside the classroom.

STO magazine

Available in print and online digital edition, each issue offers readers specialist features, case studies and interviews to bring subjects and key stages to life through all types of school trips. And the digital edition’s ‘Article View’ means it can ready easily on desktop and mobile device.

Our website extends what we can offer with exclusive content not found in the magazine and a regular e-newsletter to keep teachers informed and inspired. By registering for free, you can access content with no content limit and use additional functionality including saving stories to your own online library.

“I find School Travel Organiser magazine really helpful when it’s delivered because it gives me lots of ideas and inspiration about places to take my pupils that I wouldn’t have known existed.”

Rachel Linkletter, Salusbury Primary School 

Plus, the Learning Outside the Classroom Yearbook is also on hand to help teachers and educational visit coordinators, whether they are starting to think about the benefits of school trips and residentials for the first time, or are a seasoned pro. Published every autumn, this is the go-to publication for school staff looking to plan and manage off-site visits with handy check-lists, procedures and legal responsibilities.

LOTC Yearbook

We also publish the Learning Outside the Classroom Yearbook.

Of course, the focal point of the year is the annual School Travel Awards, when readers vote and nominate to recognise inspiring people and the best companies, venues and attractions. And schools can win big too with cash prizes that can be spent on future educational visits. It all concludes with a five-star lunch and ceremony… a fitting celebration and networking opportunity.

School Travel Organiser is a member of the Council for Learning Outside The Classroom and published by Yandell Publishing Ltd (part of the Yandell Media Group), the UK’s biggest provider of group travel media.

Our company portfolio includes a range of niche media and events which includes the popular Group Leisure & Travel magazine, published every month for people who organise all types of group trips and holidays.

The group travel portfolio also includes a range of directories and annuals, as well as the Group Leisure & Travel Show which takes place every October.

If you want to contact us, please feel free to get in touch.